Friday, March 16, 2007

Offended by the Truth

I had my daughter with me for a little while at work yesterday. One of the men said something like wow her hair is still thin. He didn't sound very nice either when he said it.
I immediately was offended and didn't like that he brought that up.
Can I really be upset though? He only said the truth.
Sometimes though the truth does not need to be stated, especially when it's not asked for. If I ask my husband how my jeans look and he says hippy, I don't like it but I asked for it. Now if I don't say anything, I am going under the impression that I look good. No one need tell me otherwise. Not like I can immediately do anything about it. Might as well let me continue feeling good about myself.

1 comment:

The Owners said...

Hell yeah. I'd be upset too. How would he like it if you went up to him and said "Wow, you're still ugly and stupid"?

The truth? If we told the truth all the time, none of us would have friends. In order to save feelings, it is necessary to sugarcoat things now and then.

It's like telling people you are going on a diet and then not losing much weight and someone deciding to comment on it.