Friday, March 23, 2007

21 Days

They say it takes 21 days for something to become a habit. I lasted 2 days in my resolution.
2 days in a row I exercised, I did a full night time care of my face, brushed and flossed at night.
Then the 3rd day my daughter was sick and I didn't do any of the above.
And it's true, once you're in the routine, things are so much easier but getting there is the battle.
I will try again tonight to start my 21 days of change. But I'm sure something will come up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only thing I can get done at night is brush my teeth. I can't bring myself to wash my face before bed. I'm too tired and lazy. I probably wouldn't have half the zits if I did.

I have started taking my multi-vitamin again. I'm on day 4. Hopefully I will keep up with that, considering I'm such a bad eater.