Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Number One Reason to Blog

I was thinking this last night and then I read Jolene's blog and it confirmed it. The number one reason to blog is you can tell an entire story without interruption. If the person on the other end loses interest and doesn't finish, it doesn't affect you in anyway. And yes, Jolene, I read your entire blog about Tuesday.
I had a horrible evening last night. I had to bring the dog to the vet afterwork. Of course, while in the "big city" I had to run other errands. Now my child is far from perfect. But we have brought her to restaurants, shopping, etc. from the time she was tiny tiny. She gets bored at home and loves to go places. She gets so excited to see a Walmart or the mall.
Well, last night has changed things for us. She had her first meltdown where I had to leave in embaressment. In retrospect I think she was hungary. She had eaten but some days she eats like a grown man I swear.
After the humiliation and listening to her cry, I had to drive home. Thankfully she didn't cry the entire way and was actually pretty quiet. I am only a few miles from home, feeling better and out of the blue - a rabbit ran out in front of me. I breaked, I swerved but nope... I got him and he was so horrific, still have flashbacks. I am a HUGE animal lover and of course started crying. But then I have to be good, can't let Serena know what happened.
I get home, try to tell my story to my husband. Part way through I have to hear the crap about how long my stories take. That is one of my absolute biggest pet peeves. I don't care how long it is, someone can sit there and listen to me if I have to go through it all.
After I got her down, I went for a walk to calm down. It's dark so I bring two of my dogs. Of couse, things can't work out. My brother-in-law's dogs had gotten loose. This is nothing new but one still had the long chain attached to his collar. Obviously this is extremely dangerous so I have to stop the dog while keeping mine seperated. There goes a nice peaceful walk.
During the night Kobe, my little dog, howls and wakes up Serena so I end up on the couch with her.
Wake up this morning at 5:45. I went down to the basement to turn the pumps on. We've had to do this 2-3 times a day since October. They had frozen overnight so I had to bring the hoses in. I retried later but one pump isn't working. I left for work with a couple of inches in the basement, should have stayed but didn't have it in me. I was 45 minutes late yesterday because of this damn water. So sick of worrying about it.
No one but Jolene will read this but that is fine, I am feeling crummy today.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Update on Serena

Friday I brought Serena to a new pediatrician. I really liked him and seriously am considering switching.
He does not believe Serena has alopecia. He went over a lot with me and believes it is just from her playing with her hair.
Sunday I brought her for another hair cut. I always thought my little girl would have all this beautiful hair. Hair has never been a problem in my family. Well, my little girl now has short hair. The hairdresser did her best to make it a little girl hair cut but it is short. At first I wanted to cry but it's growing on me. She is still adorable.
But I admit I'm considering having her ears pierced. I personally don't like it on little girls. I think parents should wait until the girls are older. But I dread hearing what a cute boy I have. Plus with her hair short, it might look cute. How we need to revise our opinions sometimes.

Friday, March 23, 2007

21 Days

They say it takes 21 days for something to become a habit. I lasted 2 days in my resolution.
2 days in a row I exercised, I did a full night time care of my face, brushed and flossed at night.
Then the 3rd day my daughter was sick and I didn't do any of the above.
And it's true, once you're in the routine, things are so much easier but getting there is the battle.
I will try again tonight to start my 21 days of change. But I'm sure something will come up.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Good Article for Moms

Thought this should make us Moms feel better. Seems like we beat ourselves up a lot but maybe we're not doing so bad.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Offended by the Truth

I had my daughter with me for a little while at work yesterday. One of the men said something like wow her hair is still thin. He didn't sound very nice either when he said it.
I immediately was offended and didn't like that he brought that up.
Can I really be upset though? He only said the truth.
Sometimes though the truth does not need to be stated, especially when it's not asked for. If I ask my husband how my jeans look and he says hippy, I don't like it but I asked for it. Now if I don't say anything, I am going under the impression that I look good. No one need tell me otherwise. Not like I can immediately do anything about it. Might as well let me continue feeling good about myself.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Technology is one way that I am starting to feel old. I just can't seem to keep up with everything. Blogs for example. :)
I am getting better though. I got a new cell phone for my birthday. I am managing to keep it charged and actually use it.
I bought a new 80 gb ipod. My husband got that one and I got his older 60 gb one. Its kind of cheating since I didn't have to put any music on it. He offered to put my cds on it even. It will probably be a while before I learn how to add to it. But I do love it. Have the converter for the car and just got a dock for it at work. So nice to not have to change cds.

First Blog

Jolene highly urged me to start commenting on her blog. Then she highly urged me to get a myspace account. Now I'm even starting a blog. Not sure how much I will write here but hopefully I will get into it and find some interesting things to talk about.